Understanding your constitution and its effect on your physique

Understanding your constitution and its effect on your physique

The big thing rolling off the tongues of many woman and fewer men nowadays is weight.

Understanding your constitution and finding the balance is going to take time and effort
Once you have learnt what your constitution is, following the correct dietary guidelines and physical care guidelines will assist you in achieving your ideal weight.

Firstly know that different constitutions are predisposed to having certain physiques.
However, with diligence and proper diet and exercise, you may possibly reach the 50 out of 100 patients that are the physique they wish to be.

In general the following types of people have a tendency towards
Waist fat
Generalised body weight gain
Weight gain despite diet OR exercise
These types more predisposed than others are Water, earth and wood.

Likewise when we treat with TIM and TCM this is a major contributory factor as your predisposition due to your type will hint in the direction of possible dis eases.

The take home advise here is, understanding your predisposition due to your type, exercise and diet according to it, supplement according to the guidelines and dont focus on the weight to a point your forget about the health. Rather focus on your health and living a healthy lifestyle and the weight will follow suit.

Due to the high sugar levels in takeout foods we consume due to its availability and cost, insulin levels are increased due to high calories being increased
Thus, damage to the spleen, pancreas and stomach is becoming more prevalent.
The snowball effect is increased sugar cravings due to the excess heat in the stomach and therefore an increase in weight and degeneration of health.

Avoid overeating
Miqdam ibn Ma’d was advised by the Messenger of Allah SWT

“There is no vessel which the son of Adam can fill that is morr evil than His stomach, for it is enough for him to take a few bites in order to straighten his back. Yet if he is overcome by appetite then he may fill it with a third of food, a third of water and a third for His breath.

The above advice will benefit those that have already been advised about their constitution.
In order for you to achieve the best balance on your body type and prevention of health problems please arrange with COHE for an appointment to begin your journey of healing with Holistic methods of TIM AND TCM.

The content of the above is as a support to all clients of COHE


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