As we stumble over our 2 left feet when we hit that point of ill health…
What is the way forward.
With each day comes a new challenge.
As we grow wiser, the test becomes more complex.
How do we endure it?
With advancing technology but greater medical failures.
The options become more yet the prognosis becomes increasingly riskier and bleak.
Where does that leave us?
With popularity on social media becoming the key to career or “personal” success
Where does that leave our emotional integrity?
Statistically Only 30% of those that receive this message will truly understand, resonate or ponder over it.
As we face the problems at hand it is common practice to drown oneself in the depths of our illness. With often limited information about the ailing manifestations we enduring, we find ourselves self soothing with “Dr Google”.
However does it really answer the question or does it leave you more baffled?
Looking into our lifestyles, which 8/10 times is the root cause of our ailments, there is only one way of adjusting and that is to to change the bodies response to the presenting confrontations or situations. Currently, we run ourselves into a Depleted state with less sleep, higher stress levels and minimal patience.
This is the perfect recipe for what we term as Dampness, blood deficiency and essence deficiency.
The answer to posed questions above-mentioned will help you assess exactly how far down the pattern of pathology you are.
Looking at the way forward. Choose a path of healing and know that it belongs to you
It becomes YOUR journey
No 2 are the same.
Reaffirm your intention throughout your journey and trust the process. Understand that be it Traditional or western the outcome and timing is from the One that Cures Ya Shafi.
Within the test is another
Your forbearance and patience will be rewarded with the lesson behind your temporary state.
Endurance is the ability to persevere beyond the limits and boundaries we set for ourselves.
We live, now more than ever, within the confines of our comfort zone. Standing up is merely an effort.
To resist the norm and set new goals is a mammoth task for some. However, howndo you expect to grow. One of the the finer reasons of your ailments are to expose your weaknesses. When the answer to that solution lay in confronting your darkest fears, is it not the reason to try harder.
Eg eating what is nourishing to you apposed to what is beneficial to your nafs.
With every advancing step forward in technology, in my opinion is the set back in emotional integrity.
The faster things get, the less time we have.
The easier it gets to communicate the less empathy we tend to have.
Its time to use the stop button.
Introspection, introspection, introspection.
Self evaluation of the much needed losses that have occurred with evolution.
The greatest test is letting go of the outcome and the timing of it.
The greatest challenge is acknowledging that the most effort comes from you and a lifestyle change.
The greatest gain is to program yourself to filter, tame the nafs, and adjust as the situation changes or evolves.
Become present
Live in the NOW
Forgive the past
Learn patience
Stop finding faults
Start spreading hope.
N Ahmed Bayat.