Nature’s most powerful antimicrobial
Organic Artimisia annua concentrated tincture
Specially formulated to assist with:
- Any infection (viral, bacterial, parasitic)
- Malaria
- Bilharzia
- Glandular fever / EBV
- Fever
- Common cold & influenza (flu)
- TB and bronchitis
- Borreliosis (Rickettsia / Lyme disease)
- Candida
Artemisia annua A3 (Sweet Annie): 3:1 tincture
Pack Size:
50ml herbal tincture
Directions for use:
Adults: 30 drops 3x daily (or 45 drops 2x daily) in a glass of water/juice, or as advised by your health practitioner.
Children: Half the adult dose.
None known. However, if adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult your health practitioner. NOT suitable for use during pregnancy / breast feeding.