Dr t N A Bayat
Centre of holistic Excellence
Its that beautiful time of the year when the blossoms bring new beauty to the woody dry barks, the sun warms and the rain Nourishes.
As we Move from the cold dark Yin days to beautiful warm Yang days.
At this time of the year the liver is at its peak. Just like the pruned trees grow new shoots the liver becomes active.
The liver is responsible for the muscles and tendons and hence you may also feel yourself moving from a hybernated sedated state to a beautiful energetic one.
For those with imbalance in the liver which is common in close to 70% of the population, due to stagnated thoughts, anger, frustration, boxed in ideas, over consumption of pharmaceutical products, self diagnosing and treatment with anything our friends prescribe aswell, eating processed food, long durations of screen time, eating at the wrong times and not resting, you will find yourself feeling more irritable and tight.
This is a sign to rest and detox your liver.
We are also seeing as the phase is being hindered by climate change the sudden heat and then extreme cold has created an imbalance in many ladies. This has resulted in prolonged menstruation and Uterine Bleeding.
In most cases it is due to the liver heat rising and this affects the spleen.
In some it is due to Kidney yin deficiency due to Empty heat.
Consultation with COHE will aid in restoring balance
Foods that benefit the liver include:
Fresh ginger
Fresh garlic
Apple cider finger
Sour pickled foods
Exercises should include
Brisk walking
Slow paced stretching
Lifestyle changes
Limit screen time
Go outside
Take walks instead of being a couch potato
Increase your water intake and have more green teas.
Surround yourself with colours, open your windows and allow a flow of energy.
Its all about the flow.
Go with it.
Fasting Monday and Thursday for patients that are not blood deficient.
Fasting 13th 14th 15th of the lunar month for those with excess or stagnation.
Book your sunnah/wet cupping session with me in September and October for all Wood and Fire patients that are not deficient or cold.
In January and February for earth and metal clients that have been on treatment and are not in a deficient state.